The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Trust Your Supplier (TYS) Featured in Forbes Article

Reimagining Supplier Onboarding and Compliance with Blockchain – How Trust Your Supplier (TYS) is revolutionizing the procurement process.

Award winning research journalist Kate Vitasek, has featured Trust Your Supplier (TYS) in a Forbes article chronicling TYS’s journey using blockchain technology to solve supplier onboarding and compliance issues. 

Blockchain technology is transforming the way businesses manage supplier onboarding and compliance, and Trust Your Supplier (TYS) is at the forefront of this revolution. TYS is a blockchain-based platform that streamlines the onboarding process by creating a digital identity for suppliers, allowing them to share their information with multiple customers at once. This not only saves time and reduces administrative burden but also improves data quality and security. 

The TYS platform was born from a collaboration between IBM and Chainyard, which began in 2018. The partnership quickly moved from idea to innovation, resulting in the creation of the first blockchain-based, decentralized platform designed to manage supplier information. The TYS network has expanded to include companies such as Lenovo, GSK, Nokia, BT, American Express, and Pearson. 

The benefits of using the TYS platform are significant for both suppliers and their customers. On average, onboarding times have been reduced by 67%, leading to cost savings of nearly $500 per supplier for purchasing organizations. For suppliers, the ability to be onboarded with additional companies almost instantly allows them to start work after a deal is sold, eliminating the administrative burden of managing the same or similar data across multiple customers. 

As the world continues to embrace blockchain technology, the future of digital identity is rapidly approaching. Groundbreaking efforts like TYS signal the dawn of a new era in data ownership, where suppliers will have unprecedented control over their data, leading to enhanced regulatory compliance, security, and data quality. The journey to this data-centric future has begun, and its potential impact is nothing short of transformative. 

#SupplierOnboarding #Blockchain #TYS #DigitalTransformation #Procurement #ProcurementCompliance #SanctionsCompliance #RiskandCompliance  #ProcurementInnovation #RiskAssessment #RegulatoryCompliance #ProcurementLeadership #CPO #DigitalIdentity #DataOwnership #Forbes #KateVitasek

Breaking News: Trust Your Supplier (TYS) Thrilled to be Spotlighted in Harvard Business Review Article

We’re absolutely elated to announce the release of the Harvard Business Review article that shines a spotlight on Trust Your Supplier (TYS) as the ultimate game-changer in supplier onboarding. It is with great excitement and pride that we share this incredible recognition with our TYS community and partners. 

Supplier onboarding – a necessary but often time-consuming process. It’s not uncommon for this vital step to take weeks or even months due to manual processes and documentation checks. But what if we told you there’s a game-changing disruptor on the horizon? Trust Your Supplier (TYS), as featured in the Harvard Business Review, is here to revolutionize supplier onboarding. TYS has harnessed the power of blockchain technology to create a worldwide network of buyers and suppliers, setting a new standard for supplier onboarding. 

So, what sets TYS apart? 

  1. Automation: TYS automates the cumbersome manual processes involved in vetting supplier data. Say goodbye to the days of lengthy onboarding.
  2. A Global Network: With over 100,000 fully vetted suppliers and partnerships with major players like BT Sourced, Lenovo, Nokia, Pearson, and Thermo Fisher, TYS has created a truly global network.
  3. Efficiency & Cost Savings: Purchasers using TYS have reported cost savings of nearly $500 per supplier. For enterprises with extensive supplier networks, this translates into eight-figure savings.
  4. Supplier Benefits: Suppliers experience an average onboarding time of less than a week, a 67% reduction. Plus, they can seamlessly work with multiple customers without the hassles of data duplication. 

We believe that a paradigm shift is underway in supply chain management and procurement. Organizations are increasingly adopting platform solutions like TYS to address systemic supply chain issues efficiently and collaboratively. TYS is leading the charge, revolutionizing supplier onboarding, and setting a new standard for the industry. 

Join us on this exciting journey toward a more efficient, collaborative, and cost-effective future. Learn more about how TYS is changing the game in supplier onboarding in our full article.


#SupplierOnboarding #SupplyChainRevolution #Blockchain #TYS #Efficiency #Collaboration #ProcurementExcellence #DigitalTransformation #Procurement #ProcurementComliance #RiskManagement #SupplyChainSolutions #FinancialRiskMitigation #SanctionsCompliance #ESGStrategy #ClimateRiskManagement #SustainableSourcing #SupplyChainResilience #RiskandCompliance #EthicalSourcing #FinancialCompliance #ESGReporting #ClimateResilience #SupplierDiversity #GlobalTradeCompliance #SupplyChainVisibility #ESGPerformance #ClimateChangeAdaptation #ProcurementInnovation #RiskAssessment #SupplyChainRisk #EthicalBusiness #CarbonFootprint #SupplyChainTransparency #ESGInvesting #ClimatePolicy #SustainableProcurement #RegulatoryCompliance #ProcurementLeadership #CPO  

The Evolution of Supplier Management (Part 2)

Winning the Tomorrow War, Today

by Gary Storr, General Manager

In Part 1, I talked about how this will be the first time your AI technology capability will – through Supplier Digital Identity, “put your organization ahead of future industry demands.”

I then emphasized the importance of “laying a universally consumable digital supplier identity foundation” today to achieve an unprecedented level of “supplier trust…and a single version of the truth.”

Let’s revisit the following graphic from the first post to understand the bridge or path to getting to trust and a single version of the truth.


If you take a step back to reflect on the above, it is hard to argue with the validity of the key points or theme. In short, moving to the “future state” that is Supplier Digital Identity sounds good.

But what does it mean, e.g., the future state of Supplier Digital Identity in the here and now? How do you leverage AI to get there? And what tangible benefits will it deliver? To put it another way, what good is my telling you about Eden and how great it is and then not showing you the way to get there?

It Isn’t About The Technology

As a service provider with what I believe is the most amazing technology in the industry, you will be surprised by what I am about to say.

Getting to that single version of truth and supplier insight is about something other than the technology. It is about the expertise behind that technology. To be clear, when I say expertise, I am not just talking about a deep understanding of how the technology works. I am talking about the knowledge and anticipation of the expected and unexpected external disruptions we face in a dynamic and complex world and how to leverage said technology to determine the appropriate response.

For example, the organizations with whom we work are consistently talking about:

  • Concern about the supplier data they house being accurate and current to ensure they have the latest view on that, supplier’s qualifications, credentials, performance, et cetera.
  • The flurry of the evolution of rules, standards, and requirements – that are much more diverse than they’ve ever been.
  • Adoption, cycle time reduction, and administration are “hugely important.”
  • Increasing awareness of the importance of “authoritative data.”

The above are only a few examples of where companies want and need to go to arrive at that future state of optimal supplier management capability. To reach this state of capability, you must look beyond the technology to assess your service provider’s ability to address these points and many others.

The Right Captain For The Right Vessel

You have to have a partner who will have the same vision as you do.

For example, if a partner is “established” in older technology, or if a partner doesn’t understand the regulatory compliance landscape worldwide, or doesn’t have some insights into particular industries that you’re in, you can be guided off course.

It’s a little bit like the analogy that there’s a difference between a sailboat and an oil tanker. You have to hire the right captain for the sailboat and hire a different captain for the oil tanker.

If you prefer something a little less nautical, In Good To Great, Jim Collins said – and I paraphrase “You have to have the right people in the right seats on the right bus.” What success ultimately comes down to is having the right service provider partner with the right expertise doing the right things!

If you do, you will successfully transition from the emerging standards of today to the necessary future state of Supplier Digital Identity and its competitive edge.

The Evolution of Supplier Management (Part 1)

Successfully Addressing Today’s Needs While Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges

by Gary Storr, General Manager

“How do we overlay today’s needs with tomorrow’s needs and build a bridge that organizations can invest in today and be ready for tomorrow?”

During a recent interview, I gave the above response to the question “Where is supplier management technology now, and what it will look like in the future?” It is seemingly a straightforward question. But underlying its simplicity is the complexity of building and proactively managing dynamic and interconnected supply networks in a volatile global marketplace.

Now one might think that as a solution provider, my focus would be on the technology part of the equation. Even though emerging AI technology is the main event when it comes to supplier management, you must look beyond it to the experience and expertise behind it.

Think about it for a moment. ESG investing began in the 1960s as “socially responsible investing, with investors excluding stocks or entire industries from their portfolios.” The industries on the no-investment list included tobacco companies and any businesses deemed to be supporting the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Now ponder this fact – ESG reporting did not begin until 2004 under the UN “Who Cares Wins” banner. Here we are in 2023, and it is only recently that things like carbon emissions, ESG, and global compliance have become emerging mainstream regulatory concerns.

The above “timeline” raises two essential questions:

  • Why are companies now scrambling to comply with new legislative requirements and proposed future ones when we saw this train coming as far back as the 1960s?
  • Regarding future regulations, e.g., ESG, what will the reporting (and technology) requirements be next year or decade? By the way, if you want a glimpse into what is on the compliance horizon, check out the following ESG Regulations link.

From my standpoint and experience, we need to do two things so that we don’t continue to play catch-up with known and unknown compliance realities. In today’s post, I will tell you the two things you need to do to stop chasing compliance and start mastering (and benefiting) from it.

First, A History Timeline Review


Regarding the evolution of supplier management platforms, the old saying “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” tells a notable story.

In the above graphic, you will note how we have progressed from a “blind trust” qualification process to where we are today – somewhere between email and spreadsheets and corporate web portals.

As your service provider, you will be happy to know that we are on the leading edge of the emerging standard: enterprise supplier networks. I will get into what this emerging standard is shortly.

That said, we have also created an overlay between today’s and tomorrow’s supplier management needs. Why is this important?

It is important because instead of implementing technology to catch up with emerging requirements, we are also creating a seamless bridge to put you out front of the proverbial curve to address not yet known future requirements. If you think about it, this will be the first time that your AI technology capability will – through supplier digital identity, put your organization ahead of future industry demands. 

The Here And Now

In Part 2 of this series, I will get into the specifics of supplier digital identity. However, we can’t take our eyes off the immediate challenges you face in managing your present-day supplier network, including the importance of:

  • Reliable supplier data
  • Digital supplier discovery
  • Minimized administration
  • 3rd party verifications

Through this immediate capability, you will meet today’s demands while laying a universally consumable digital supplier identity foundation that will create unprecedented supplier trust and a single version of the truth.

Up Next: The Evolution of Supplier Management (Part 2) – Winning The Tomorrow War, Today

Digital Transformers: Supplier Management Using Blockchain

Historically, procurement has considered themselves the ‘gatekeepers’ for enterprise contracts and supplier relationships. Information was regarded as power, especially if it could give them an upper hand in supplier negotiations. That paradigm no longer works.

Today’s procurement organizations are not only beginning to empower distributed buyers to make more and more independent decisions about suppliers, they are working towards stronger, more trust-based partnerships with those suppliers.

In this episode of Digital Transformers, powered by Supply Chain Now, hosts Kevin L. Jackson and Kelly Barner welcome Gary Storr and April Harrison with Trust Your Supplier to the podcast to discuss supplier management using blockchain:

· The importance of establishing mutual trust in a digitally transformed business environment and how specific technologies can help companies achieve that at scale

· How blockchain can not only increase the trust factor of supplier information, it can also prevent suppliers from having to manually make updates across a range of customer systems

· Ways in which the past year has helped procurement see just how reliant they are on their suppliers

Listen to the episode here.

Trust is Built in Drops and Lost in Buckets

by Gary Storr

Today in the world of Supplier Information Management speed and risk mitigation are tremendously important in establishing the partnerships so critical to business growth and success. Unfortunately, most organizations have been unable to address these challenges. Did you know that the typical timeframe to onboard a new supplier within many enterprise organizations is more than 30 days? In a world where speed is currency, that can have a huge impact on a business’s ability to pivot, grow, and innovate. A lot of that has to do with the information required to vet a new supplier, and the work required to do that vetting. Numerous spreadsheets, portals, systems, and unsecured document exchanges make this a very cumbersome process. And on the supplier side, each customer demands this same information, creating an incredibly repetitive and non-value added work effort. In summary, it’s a lot of inefficiencies and unnecessary attracted cost for everyone.

Trust Your Supplier (or TYS), addresses these pain points and more. Built on IBM Blockchain, TYS is a strategic collaboration between Chainyard and IBM and a revolutionary solution that brings efficiency and optimization to address these challenges. It’s compellingly different than any supplier management network in operation today. Simply put, TYS creates a Trusted Source of Supplier Information and Digital Identity that simplifies and accelerates Supplier Onboarding and Lifecycle Management. Supplier-provided trusted data, their identity, is used by buyers to validate and manage the partnership. It’s immediate access to real-time data that generates massive savings and reduction of risk. The value proposition is compelling for suppliers too. The single blockchain-based profile eliminates redundant submission of the same information multiple times to different buyers and reduces time to the first transaction and ultimately when they get paid. They are also discoverable on the network, creating opportunities for new business with other buyers on the network.

And the game-changer is the TYS Data Marketplace. Similar to an App Store on your mobile device, this marketplace is a collection of gold-standard services available from firms that are the world’s leading authorities on financial health, sustainability, risk & resilience, and a host of other capacities that help evaluate the performance of your partners. Renowned firms like Dun & Bradstreet, Rapid Ratings, Ecovadis, and many others offer their services directly on the network where their ratings, scores, and evaluations are aggregated into a single, seamless view for the user. This dramatically reduces the time required to conduct due diligence and qualify a partner, saving time and cost. Best of all, free content is available from practically all of these providers, while advanced premium services are can be purchased ala carte to meet your specific needs.  

To ensure state of the art, enterprise-grade trust, TYS is built on Blockchain, creating a decentralized system that is not controlled by a single company. It can quickly become a global standard for supplier and buyer collaboration as well as increasing the participation of third parties who can provide services into this neutral environment.

It’s clear the new normal in supplier management centers on trust. Knowing and trusting your suppliers, in corporate responsibility, sustainability, diversity, financial stability, and a host of other areas are key to ensuring enterprises can responsibly conduct business. Suppliers need to build that trust and continually demonstrate this commitment to their partners. The partnership has never been so important.