The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.

FAQ: Why Supplier Management?

Frequently Asked Question: Why did Trust Your Supplier choose to tackle supplier management?

We realized that there was a large gap in the reliability of supplier data. With today’s supply chain risks, volatility in supply, and the increased regulatory situation, traditional methods to discover, onboard and monitor suppliers can’t keep up with the pace of changing information. 

Fundamental to all supply chains is the “supplier”. Globalization requires proper vetting and risk assessment of suppliers across a broad spectrum of subject areas to ensure trust, transparency, and compliance with global regulations 

The pandemic has demonstrated that a lack of supplier diversity and reliance on one or two concentrated suppliers can lead to a total supply disruption, higher costs, and process inefficiencies. As part of their material risk and qualification assessments, investors, buyers, and consumers are requiring suppliers to demonstrate ESG and sustainability initiatives.  

Our parent company, Chainyard, believes that a blockchain-powered solution such as Trust Your Supplier is foundational to the future of supplier management. 

World Procurement Awards

World Procurement Awards 2022

The Trust Your Supplier team attended the awards ceremony on June 15, 2022.

The evening was full of fun and glamour as our team made connections and re-connected with procurement members and partners. We were honored that Trust Your Supplier was shortlisted in the Technology Innovation category amongst such an impressive group of fellow nominees.

Trust Your Supplier’s nomination was recognition by Procurement Leaders for our work as one of the “innovative solutions in the technology space that are changing the status quo and solving unique and long-standing problems faced by the procurement function.”  

Our parent company, Chainyard, specializes in building blockchain solutions that solve business problems.  Procurement and compliance teams rely on massive amounts of supplier and third party data to make strategic decisions. Data that is not secure cannot be trusted.  

We chose blockchain technology because the records of all transactions are stored within one immutable platform and are accessible at any given point in time with version control, change history, and audit logs.  Data Security = Trust 

FAQ: Why Blockchain?

Frequently Asked Question: Why did Trust Your Supplier choose blockchain for our platform?

Our parent company, Chainyard, specializes in building blockchain solutions that solve business problems.  Procurement and compliance teams rely on massive amounts of supplier and third party data to make strategic decisions. Data that is not secure cannot be trusted.  

We chose blockchain technology because the records of all transactions are stored within one immutable platform and are accessible at any given point in time with version control, change history, and audit logs.  Data Security = Trust 

Trust. It’s not just in our name, it’s in our technology.