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The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.

TYS Podcast S2E4 – Unraveling the Global Tapestry of Politics, Economics, and Supply Chains

In this episode, we dive deep into the intricate web of global politics, economics, and supply chains, unraveling the complexities that shape the landscape of modern business. Join us as we explore pressing questions and uncover insights that shed light on the evolving dynamics of the global risk environment.

The volatile nature of today’s global political and economic climate reverberates across industries, making it imperative for supply chain and procurement professionals to stay vigilant. Every shift in geopolitics or economic policy can send ripples through the supply chain, impacting everything from sourcing strategies to operational efficiency.

So, why does this matter for supply chain and procurement? Simply put, businesses operate in a connected world where disruptions in one region can have far-reaching consequences. Whether it’s trade disputes, sanctions, or geopolitical tensions, these factors can disrupt supply chains, increase costs, and affect business continuity.

Tracking these issues requires a comprehensive approach, leveraging a mix of data sources, analytics, and expert analysis. By monitoring key indicators, companies can anticipate risks and identify opportunities, enabling proactive decision-making.

To gain deeper insights into these challenges, we asked the experts at Prism about the emerging trends in global politics and economics. Watch our conversation with them and read our blog, co-authored by TYS and Prism, on how the Swiss climate ruling reshapes supply chains and risk management.

TYS Podcast S2E3 – Unlocking the Power of Master Data Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of business operations, one concept stands out as the cornerstone of success: master data management (MDM). Recently, Trust Your Supplier (TYS) hosted a thought-provoking episode of the TYS Podcast, delving deep into the intricacies of MDM, financial information, compliance, and data privacy. This enlightening discussion shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing businesses today and provided invaluable insights for industry professionals. 

The conversation kicked off with an exploration of the “core theater” essential for operational success, encompassing individuals, suppliers, transportation, and data privacy. Participants emphasized the critical importance of maintaining master data governance throughout the supply chain lifecycle, citing real-world examples of companies teetering on the brink of bankruptcy due to lapses in data management. This sobering revelation underscored the profound implications of master data on individual businesses and entire supply chains, making it a non-negotiable aspect of organizational strategy. 

As the discussion unfolded, participants turned their attention to recent trends and innovations in financial information provision and MDM. They highlighted the adoption of technology for financial crime prevention and the challenges posed by the quality of customer and third-party data. The consensus was clear: high-quality, accurate, and complete information is paramount for enhancing customer experiences and detecting suspicious behavior, making MDM indispensable for achieving business objectives and ensuring compliance. 

The conversation then shifted gears to address the complexities of monitoring and verifying data across different jurisdictions, particularly in light of evolving compliance regulations. Participants stressed the need for globally sourced, accurate, and consistent data to support robust risk assessment and compliance efforts. The impact of mergers and acquisitions on MDM and compliance was also explored, with a focus on identifying beneficial owners and understanding complex family structures. 

A particularly poignant moment in the discussion arose when the intersection of data privacy regulations like GDPR with compliance requirements was examined. Participants acknowledged the conflicting nature of Know Your Customer (KYC) and GDPR regulations, highlighting the need for companies to navigate these regulations effectively while safeguarding sensitive information. 

Further insights were shared on the challenges of continuous auditing of information and the importance of monitoring data changes. Participants underscored the necessity of providers offering robust monitoring capabilities and event-driven updates, emphasizing the role of compliance officers in reviewing critical changes. 

The conversation culminated in a discussion on the transformative role of AI and machine learning in automating manual processes and ensuring data quality. Participants stressed the importance of high-quality data as the foundation for AI applications and the need for data cleansing to avoid exacerbating existing problems. 

In conclusion, the episode provided invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities in MDM, compliance, and data privacy. It underscored the critical role of accurate and high-quality data in driving business success and ensuring regulatory compliance. As businesses navigate the complexities of today’s landscape, embracing robust MDM practices and leveraging innovative technologies will be key to staying ahead of the curve. Trust Your Supplier continues to lead the conversation in thought leadership, empowering industry professionals to navigate the ever-changing business landscape with confidence and agility. 

TYS Podcast S2E2- Mitigating Financial Risk to Unlock Added Value

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies face numerous challenges in managing financial risk effectively while unlocking added value from their procurement processes. To gain valuable insights into this critical area, we turn to procurement experts Stephen Brandt & Chad Hill from Trust Your Supplier (TYS), and Eric Evans from RapidRatings, who share their wealth of experience and knowledge in the field. 

Stephen Brandt, a value engineer at Trust Your Supplier, emphasizes the importance of understanding regulatory goals and compliance risks in procurement. With 15 years of experience in the industry, Stephen highlights the need to uncover value while mitigating financial risks effectively. 

Chad Hill, the Chief Revenue Officer at Trust Your Supplier, underscores the significance of leveraging technology to enhance supply chain management. With over 17 years of experience in procurement technology, Chad emphasizes the importance of collaboration and amplifying the mission of delivering value to the market. 

Eric Evans, a seasoned expert with 20 years of experience in data risk and compliance, provides valuable insights into the role of predictive analytics in managing financial risk. As a partner at Rapid Ratings, Eric discusses the impact of rising interest rates and leveraged debt on companies, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

One of the key challenges highlighted by Eric is the need to assess the financial health of critical relationships within the supply chain. By segmenting companies based on their criticality and leveraging predictive analytics, organizations can gain deeper insights into potential risks and opportunities. 

Furthermore, Eric emphasizes the importance of continuous monitoring and due diligence in supplier onboarding processes. With the help of platforms like Trust Your Supplier, organizations can customize their monitoring strategies to align with their specific needs and priorities. 

Chad echoes the importance of resilience in today’s business landscape, emphasizing the interconnected nature of financial, operational, and environmental risks. By leveraging technology and expert insights, organizations can better anticipate and mitigate potential risks, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth. 

In conclusion, mitigating financial risk in procurement requires a holistic approach that integrates technology, expertise, and strategic partnerships. By leveraging predictive analytics, continuous monitoring, and customized solutions, organizations can unlock added value while safeguarding against potential risks, ensuring resilience and success in today’s dynamic business environment. 

Trust Your Supplier (TYS) is a Small, Minority, and Woman-owned business with a global reach offering an innovative blockchain-based solution for supplier and risk management to large and mid-size enterprises. By harnessing the immutability of the blockchain, TYS ensures daily monitoring, and historical, predictive, and prescriptive risk insights, enabling trusted data exchange and workflow automation beyond traditional boundaries. This distributed ledger technology fosters transparency, efficiency, and empowerment for businesses to manage suppliers and mitigate risks effectively. 

Trust Your Supplier (TYS) Featured in Forbes Article

Reimagining Supplier Onboarding and Compliance with Blockchain – How Trust Your Supplier (TYS) is revolutionizing the procurement process.

Award winning research journalist Kate Vitasek, has featured Trust Your Supplier (TYS) in a Forbes article chronicling TYS’s journey using blockchain technology to solve supplier onboarding and compliance issues. 

Blockchain technology is transforming the way businesses manage supplier onboarding and compliance, and Trust Your Supplier (TYS) is at the forefront of this revolution. TYS is a blockchain-based platform that streamlines the onboarding process by creating a digital identity for suppliers, allowing them to share their information with multiple customers at once. This not only saves time and reduces administrative burden but also improves data quality and security. 

The TYS platform was born from a collaboration between IBM and Chainyard, which began in 2018. The partnership quickly moved from idea to innovation, resulting in the creation of the first blockchain-based, decentralized platform designed to manage supplier information. The TYS network has expanded to include companies such as Lenovo, GSK, Nokia, BT, American Express, and Pearson. 

The benefits of using the TYS platform are significant for both suppliers and their customers. On average, onboarding times have been reduced by 67%, leading to cost savings of nearly $500 per supplier for purchasing organizations. For suppliers, the ability to be onboarded with additional companies almost instantly allows them to start work after a deal is sold, eliminating the administrative burden of managing the same or similar data across multiple customers. 

As the world continues to embrace blockchain technology, the future of digital identity is rapidly approaching. Groundbreaking efforts like TYS signal the dawn of a new era in data ownership, where suppliers will have unprecedented control over their data, leading to enhanced regulatory compliance, security, and data quality. The journey to this data-centric future has begun, and its potential impact is nothing short of transformative. 

#SupplierOnboarding #Blockchain #TYS #DigitalTransformation #Procurement #ProcurementCompliance #SanctionsCompliance #RiskandCompliance  #ProcurementInnovation #RiskAssessment #RegulatoryCompliance #ProcurementLeadership #CPO #DigitalIdentity #DataOwnership #Forbes #KateVitasek

Breaking News: Trust Your Supplier (TYS) Thrilled to be Spotlighted in Harvard Business Review Article

We’re absolutely elated to announce the release of the Harvard Business Review article that shines a spotlight on Trust Your Supplier (TYS) as the ultimate game-changer in supplier onboarding. It is with great excitement and pride that we share this incredible recognition with our TYS community and partners. 

Supplier onboarding – a necessary but often time-consuming process. It’s not uncommon for this vital step to take weeks or even months due to manual processes and documentation checks. But what if we told you there’s a game-changing disruptor on the horizon? Trust Your Supplier (TYS), as featured in the Harvard Business Review, is here to revolutionize supplier onboarding. TYS has harnessed the power of blockchain technology to create a worldwide network of buyers and suppliers, setting a new standard for supplier onboarding. 

So, what sets TYS apart? 

  1. Automation: TYS automates the cumbersome manual processes involved in vetting supplier data. Say goodbye to the days of lengthy onboarding.
  2. A Global Network: With over 100,000 fully vetted suppliers and partnerships with major players like BT Sourced, Lenovo, Nokia, Pearson, and Thermo Fisher, TYS has created a truly global network.
  3. Efficiency & Cost Savings: Purchasers using TYS have reported cost savings of nearly $500 per supplier. For enterprises with extensive supplier networks, this translates into eight-figure savings.
  4. Supplier Benefits: Suppliers experience an average onboarding time of less than a week, a 67% reduction. Plus, they can seamlessly work with multiple customers without the hassles of data duplication. 

We believe that a paradigm shift is underway in supply chain management and procurement. Organizations are increasingly adopting platform solutions like TYS to address systemic supply chain issues efficiently and collaboratively. TYS is leading the charge, revolutionizing supplier onboarding, and setting a new standard for the industry. 

Join us on this exciting journey toward a more efficient, collaborative, and cost-effective future. Learn more about how TYS is changing the game in supplier onboarding in our full article.


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