The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Enhancing Transparency and Reliability in the Food Manufacturing Supply Chain

Ensuring the highest standards of transparency and reliability in the food manufacturing supply chain is paramount. Consumers today are more conscious than ever about where their food comes from and how it’s produced. Every step in the supply chain needs to be meticulously monitored from farm to table to ensure safety, quality, and compliance. Trust Your Supplier (TYS) offers a cutting-edge blockchain-based solution that transforms supplier and risk management for food manufacturers, ensuring unparalleled transparency and reliability.

The Challenge: Complexity and Risk in the Food Supply Chain
Food manufacturing companies face a unique set of challenges in their supply chains. With numerous suppliers, from farmers to packaging companies, the complexity is immense. This complexity often leads to issues such as: 

  • Lack of Visibility: Difficulty in tracking supplier information and credentials 
  • Compliance Risks: Ensuring all suppliers adhere to food safety regulations and standards 
  • Inefficiencies: Manual processes can lead to errors and delays
  • Risk Management: Predicting and mitigating risks related to supplier reliability

The TYS Solution: Blockchain-Based Supplier Information Management

Trust Your Supplier addresses these challenges head-on with our innovative blockchain-based platform, providing a single source of truth for supplier information and updates. Here’s how TYS enhances transparency and reliability in the food manufacturing supply chain: 

  1. Immutable Records and Transparency: Blockchain technology ensures that every update or change to supplier information is immutable, meaning it cannot be altered or deleted. This immutability guarantees that all information about suppliers is accurate and tamper-proof, providing complete transparency to food manufacturers.
  2. Comprehensive Supplier Profiles: TYS supplier profiles are owned by each supplier, and firmographics are aggregated with risk intelligence data. These profiles are continuously updated with real-time data, ensuring food manufacturers have the most current information to make informed decisions. This comprehensive visibility helps identify and mitigate risks before they become issues.
  3. Enhanced Compliance and Approval Workflows: With TYS, food manufacturers can automate compliance checks and approval processes. TYS approval workflows streamline validating supplier information and compliance documents.
  4. Real-Time Monitoring and Updates: TYS offers real-time monitoring of supplier information, including risk data and updates to firmographics or documents such as certifications and tax documents. This ensures that food manufacturers are always aware of the current status of their suppliers and can react swiftly to any changes.
  5. Predictive and Prescriptive Insights: Leveraging advanced analytics, TYS reports provide insights into potential risks within the supply chain. By analyzing historical data and trends, users can mitigate these risks to maintain a steady and reliable supply chain.
  6. Efficient and Trustworthy Data Exchange:  By using a distributed ledger, all parties have access to the same information in real-time, reducing misunderstandings and errors. This transparency fosters trust and collaboration among suppliers and internal stakeholders. 

Use Case: Streamlining Supplier Management

Consider the scenario where a food manufacturing company sources ingredients from multiple suppliers. With TYS, each supplier’s information, including compliance questionnaires, certifications, and risk assessments, is recorded on the blockchain. As suppliers update their documents or firmographics, TYS provides real-time alerts to the food manufacturer, ensuring they always have the most up-to-date information to make informed decisions. 

Maintaining transparency and reliability in the food manufacturing supply chain is not just a regulatory requirement but a critical differentiator. Trust Your Supplier provides a reliable blockchain-based solution that helps food manufacturers manage compliance checks, real-time monitoring, and supplier information effectively. By offering comprehensive supplier profiles and streamlined approval workflows, TYS supports food manufacturers in confidently managing their supplier relationships.  

Reach out to discuss how you can enhance the integrity and efficiency of your supply chain with TYS.


Thumbnail of podcast with guest photos.

TYS Podcast S2E6 – Sustainability Strategies to Empower Teams & Suppliers

In our TYS Podcast episode, Sustainability Strategies to Empower Teams & Supplierswe spoke with industry leaders from global organizations, delving into the intersection of sustainability, supply chain management, and the global economy. 

TYS’s Michelle Armstrong sat down with Lazar Armianov from EcoVadis, Melissa Reddy from BT Sourced, and Alyssa Caddle from Thermo Fisher Scientific, and at the heart of our discussion was the concept of sustainability and its significance in today’s business landscape. From education and compliance to technology and geopolitical challenges, our guests shared valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of sustainability within supply chains. 

One key takeaway was the importance of education and awareness, not only within our organizations but also among our suppliers. By ensuring that all stakeholders understand the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, we can foster a culture of sustainability that extends beyond borders and generations. 

Another focal point of the conversation was the need for collaboration and transparency throughout the supply chain. As companies navigate new global regulations and geopolitical shifts, it’s essential to prioritize ethical sourcing and supply chain integrity. 

Technology also emerged as a powerful tool in driving sustainability efforts. From AI to cybersecurity, our guests highlighted the role of innovation in creating more efficient and environmentally friendly supply chains. 

Based on the rich discussion, here are actionable insights for listeners: 

  • Prioritize education and sustainability initiatives within your organization 
  • Proactively address climate change and compliance challenges 
  • Embrace AI and digital technologies for risk management and supplier experience enhancement 
  • Foster supplier diversity and engagement for long-term sustainability 
  • Strike a balance between compliance and sustainability goals for impactful supply chain management 

As we look ahead, the path to sustainability will require ongoing collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to responsible business practices. By leveraging the insights shared in this episode, we can pave the way for a more sustainable future for generations to come. 

TYS Podcast S2E4 – Unraveling the Global Tapestry of Politics, Economics, and Supply Chains

In this episode, we dive deep into the intricate web of global politics, economics, and supply chains, unraveling the complexities that shape the landscape of modern business. Join us as we explore pressing questions and uncover insights that shed light on the evolving dynamics of the global risk environment.

The volatile nature of today’s global political and economic climate reverberates across industries, making it imperative for supply chain and procurement professionals to stay vigilant. Every shift in geopolitics or economic policy can send ripples through the supply chain, impacting everything from sourcing strategies to operational efficiency.

So, why does this matter for supply chain and procurement? Simply put, businesses operate in a connected world where disruptions in one region can have far-reaching consequences. Whether it’s trade disputes, sanctions, or geopolitical tensions, these factors can disrupt supply chains, increase costs, and affect business continuity.

Tracking these issues requires a comprehensive approach, leveraging a mix of data sources, analytics, and expert analysis. By monitoring key indicators, companies can anticipate risks and identify opportunities, enabling proactive decision-making.

To gain deeper insights into these challenges, we asked the experts at Prism about the emerging trends in global politics and economics. Watch our conversation with them and read our blog, co-authored by TYS and Prism, on how the Swiss climate ruling reshapes supply chains and risk management.

Mitigating Cyberattack Fallout

How Trust Your Supplier Could Safeguard Pharmacy Operations

by Michelle Armstrong, TYS Global VP of Value Solutions Consultant

In the wake of the recent cyberattack disrupting US pharmacies’ prescription filling processes, it’s evident that the healthcare sector remains vulnerable to digital threats. The incident, as reported by major news agencies, underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive patient data and ensure uninterrupted healthcare services.

The cyberattack, which targeted a major supplier, has caused significant delays in prescription filling across numerous pharmacies nationwide. Such disruptions not only inconvenience patients but also pose serious risks to their health, particularly for those dependent on timely medication refills.

Amidst this tumultuous landscape, Trust Your Supplier (TYS) emerges as a beacon of hope for pharmacies striving to fortify their supply chain resilience and security protocols. TYS, a blockchain-based platform designed to enhance supplier qualification processes, offers several key advantages in mitigating the aftermath of cyberattacks:

1. Verified Supplier Networks: Trust Your Supplier leverages blockchain technology to establish a trusted network of suppliers vetted through stringent qualification processes. By onboarding verified suppliers, pharmacies can minimize the risk of engaging with potentially compromised entities, thereby safeguarding their supply chain integrity.

2. Enhanced Transparency and Traceability: With Trust Your Supplier, pharmacies gain unprecedented visibility into their supplier ecosystem. The platform facilitates transparent communication channels and real-time tracking of transactions, allowing pharmacies to identify and address vulnerabilities promptly. By fostering transparency and traceability, TYS empowers pharmacies to proactively mitigate cyber threats and respond effectively to disruptions.

3. Immutable Data Integrity: The immutable nature of blockchain ensures the integrity and immutability of critical data stored on the Trust Your Supplier platform. By leveraging blockchain’s tamper-resistant architecture, pharmacies can trust the accuracy and reliability of supplier information, mitigating the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

4. Streamlined Compliance Management: Trust Your Supplier simplifies compliance management by standardizing supplier qualification processes and documentation. Pharmacies can effortlessly verify suppliers’ compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards, thereby reducing the likelihood of regulatory violations and associated penalties.

5. Resilient Supply Chain Operations: In the face of cyberattacks and other disruptions, Trust Your Supplier enables pharmacies to maintain continuity in their supply chain operations. By leveraging blockchain’s decentralized architecture, TYS mitigates the single point of failure inherent in traditional supply chain systems, ensuring uninterrupted access to critical medications and healthcare supplies.

In conclusion, the recent cyberattack targeting US pharmacies underscores the urgent need for proactive cybersecurity measures and resilient supply chain solutions. Trust Your Supplier offers pharmacies a comprehensive framework for enhancing supply chain security, fostering trust among stakeholders, and safeguarding patient well-being in an increasingly digital healthcare landscape. By embracing innovative technologies like blockchain, pharmacies can navigate the challenges of cyber threats with confidence and resilience, ensuring the uninterrupted delivery of essential healthcare services to those who depend on them most.

Discover how Trust Your Supplier can revolutionize your supply chain security. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a demo. 

Revolutionizing FMCG Procurement and Compliance

A New Era of Efficiency, Transparency, and Sustainability

by Michelle Armstrong, TYS Global VP of Value Solutions Consultant

Unlock Efficiency, Transparency, and Trust
In the fast-paced world of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), procurement and compliance teams face unique challenges. From ensuring a steady flow of quality supplies to adhering to stringent regulatory standards, the demands are relentless. That’s where Trust Your Supplier (TYS) comes into play, offering an innovative solution that transforms the way FMCG companies manage their supplier relationships. 

Why Trust Your Supplier? 

  1. Enhanced Transparency and Trust
    Trust Your Supplier provides a comprehensive digital passport for suppliers, offering real-time insights into their operations, compliance status, and more. This transparency fosters trust between FMCG companies and their suppliers, ensuring that procurement decisions are based on accurate and up-to-date information. 
  1. Streamlined Supplier Onboarding and Management
    Gone are the days of cumbersome onboarding processes. TYS simplifies and accelerates supplier integration, allowing FMCG companies to quickly benefit from their services. With TYS, managing supplier information becomes effortless, enabling procurement teams to focus on strategic decision-making rather than administrative tasks. 
  1. Risk Management and Compliance Assurance
    In the FMCG sector, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards is paramount. Trust Your Supplier not only facilitates easy access to supplier compliance documentation but also provides tools for monitoring and managing risk. This proactive approach to compliance helps FMCG companies avoid costly penalties and reputational damage. 
  1. Improved Operational Efficiency
    By automating key procurement processes, TYS significantly reduces manual workload, leading to improved efficiency and cost savings. Procurement and compliance teams can allocate their resources more effectively, optimizing their supply chain operations. 
  1. Building Sustainable Supply Chains
    Sustainability is a pressing concern in the FMCG industry. Trust Your Supplier supports the development of sustainable supply chains by enabling companies to identify and collaborate with suppliers that adhere to environmental and social standards. This alignment with corporate sustainability goals not only benefits the planet but also enhances brand reputation. 

The Future of FMCG Procurement and Compliance
In an industry where speed, quality, and compliance cannot be compromised, Trust Your Supplier stands out as a beacon of innovation. By leveraging blockchain technology and a network of trusted information, TYS is redefining what’s possible in FMCG procurement and compliance. 

Join the Revolution
For FMCG procurement and compliance teams looking to enhance their operations, reduce risk, and build stronger, more sustainable supplier relationships, the choice is clear. Trust Your Supplier is not just a platform; it’s a strategic partner in your supply chain transformation journey. 

Discover how Trust Your Supplier can revolutionize your procurement and compliance strategies. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a demo.