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Empowering Women in Technology: Aparna Amberkar’s Story

Get ready to be inspired by the incredible Aparna Amberkar, the Product Development and Delivery Manager at Trust Your Supplier! She is a powerful player in the tech industry and an innovator and inspiration to women looking to enter this field. 

Since her early days, Aparna has had a love for math that fuels her passion for technology. This love only grew stronger when she graduated from college with a focus on software development. Starting her career as a web developer, Aparna’s passion for blockchain and product development led her to her current position at Trust Your Supplier, where she plays a critical role in converting business requirements into actionable tasks for her team to implement. 

Throughout her career, Aparna has had to take a few breaks and switch gears, which has helped her achieve both her personal and professional goals. For instance, when her children were born, Aparna took a break from her career to focus on motherhood. Later, she switched from being a developer to a project manager. Her unique journey demonstrates the importance of being flexible and adaptable not only in your career but also in your life. 

Aparna is an outstanding leader, managing five global teams spanning India, the United States, and Vietnam, each with its own goals. She meets with each of them daily to discuss objectives, activities, problems, and solutions. Managing a global team has its challenges, but Aparna says it allows her to learn about different cultures and connect with people from various backgrounds. She even has Vietnam on her bucket list to visit one day! 

As a woman in the technology industry, Aparna is keenly aware of the challenges that women face in the field. One of the significant challenges she sees is the lack of women in leadership positions. Aparna believes that having more women in these roles is crucial to providing role models and mentorship opportunities for younger women. Companies should proactively recruit and retain women in technological roles by providing multiple opportunities, flexible work arrangements, and equal pay. 

Aparna’s journey is a testament to the importance of hard work, perseverance, and adaptability. Let’s celebrate the contributions of women like Aparna, who are paving the way for future generations of women in technology. So, if you’re a woman interested in technology, take inspiration from Aparna and never give up on your dreams. With hard work, dedication, and a passion for technology, you too can make a mark in this field!  


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