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Picture of Nick Picone

Nick Picone

TYS VP, Advisory Practice

Picture of Fatima Lancanlale

Fatima Lancanlale

TYS Global Head of Business Development

Episode Notes

E1 - Navigating Supply Chain Risks: Insights from Trust Your Supplier's Nick Picone

In the ever-evolving landscape of procurement, understanding and mitigating risks have become paramount for businesses seeking sustained success. In the inaugural episode of "TYS Lunch & Learn," hosted by Fatima Lacanlale, Nick Picone, VP of Advisory Practice at Trust Your Supplier, sheds light on critical aspects of digital transformation, supply chain dynamics, and the future of how to mitigate risk in procurement.

Unlocking the World of Risks:
Nick, a seasoned professional with nearly two decades of experience in the business software industry, delves into the intricacies of supplier risks, particularly focusing on financial vulnerabilities. With companies facing historic acceleration in interest rates, small and medium-tier suppliers are grappling with financial stress. The result? A significant increase in bankruptcies, posing a substantial threat to supply chain continuity. 

Nick emphasizes the need for organizations to grasp the impending challenges, with $4 trillion of debt expected to roll over at much higher rates in the next four years. Small and medium-tier suppliers, often crucial to a company’s operations, are likely to bear the brunt. To address this, businesses must act swiftly, collaborating with suppliers to mitigate risks or exploring alternative sourcing strategies. 

The Power of Visibility and Clean Data:
A recurring theme in the conversation is the importance of visibility and clean data. Nick asserts that clean, segmented data forms the foundation for achieving comprehensive visibility across the supplier base. The ability to augment this data with real-time insights from third parties and take actionable steps is essential.  

Trust Your Supplier (TYS) emerges as a solution that empowers businesses with the agility to navigate these challenges, offering a single, unified platform for data security, governance, and risk management. 

Actionable Steps for a Resilient Future:
Nick provides actionable steps for businesses looking to enhance their visibility and mitigate risks. The key lies in intellectual curiosity and collaboration. Leadership within organizations must engage in internal dialogues and collaborate with external providers like TYS to understand and solve the complex problems associated with procurement risks. The adoption of modern technology, including blockchain platforms, is pivotal in achieving control over data, fostering trust, and ensuring transparency—an approach that Trust Your Supplier advocates. 

In conclusion, this episode underscores the critical need for businesses to proactively address risks in their supply chain. By leveraging technology, fostering collaboration, and staying intellectually curious, organizations can not only navigate the challenges posed by financial uncertainties but also build a resilient supply chain that stands the test of time. Stay tuned for more insights and expert discussions in future episodes of ” Lunch & Learns.”