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The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Episode Links

Show Notes

In this, our inaugural episode, Kelly Barner and I discuss supplier life cycle management and how our high school biology lesson of the lifecycle of a frog can be helpful.  Listen in as we talk about important phases of supplier life cycle management, what are the key attributes to make a successful SLM, and how to address key challenges. 

Kelly is the Owner and Managing Director of Buyers Meeting Point and MyPurchasingCenter. She has been in procurement since 2003, starting as a practitioner and then serving as the Associate Director of Consulting at Emptoris. She has covered procurement news, events, publications, solutions, trends, and relevant economics at Buyers Meeting Point since 2009. Kelly is also the General Manager at Art of Procurement and the Host of Dial P for Procurement on Supply Chain Now. Kelly has her MBA from Babson College as well as an MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons College and she has co-authored three books: ‘Supply Market Intelligence for Procurement Professionals’, ‘Procurement at a Crossroads’, and 'Finance Unleashed’.   

Connect with Kelly Barner: 

Kelly on LinkedIn: 

BMP on LinkedIn: 

BMP on Twitter: 

April Harrison is the Marketing Director for Trust Your Supplier, an innovative supplier information network built on blockchain technology. April’s background includes real estate and teaching. April received her degree in Psychology and History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Notice what’s not in her background? Procurement!  April loves learning new things, especially about areas that are on the verge of major transformation. April struggled with dissecting a frog in high school and is currently learning French from her daughter. Her skill level is not yet at the dreaming in French stage.

Connect with April Harrison 

April on LinkedIn:  

Procurement Block website:  

Music by 
jorikbasov from Pixabay 

Procurement Block is produced by Trust Your Supplier