The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.
World Procurement Awards

World Procurement Awards 2022

The Trust Your Supplier team attended the awards ceremony on June 15, 2022.

The evening was full of fun and glamour as our team made connections and re-connected with procurement members and partners. We were honored that Trust Your Supplier was shortlisted in the Technology Innovation category amongst such an impressive group of fellow nominees.

Trust Your Supplier’s nomination was recognition by Procurement Leaders for our work as one of the “innovative solutions in the technology space that are changing the status quo and solving unique and long-standing problems faced by the procurement function.”  

Our parent company, Chainyard, specializes in building blockchain solutions that solve business problems.  Procurement and compliance teams rely on massive amounts of supplier and third party data to make strategic decisions. Data that is not secure cannot be trusted.  

We chose blockchain technology because the records of all transactions are stored within one immutable platform and are accessible at any given point in time with version control, change history, and audit logs.  Data Security = Trust 

FAQ: Why Blockchain?

Frequently Asked Question: Why did Trust Your Supplier choose blockchain for our platform?

Our parent company, Chainyard, specializes in building blockchain solutions that solve business problems.  Procurement and compliance teams rely on massive amounts of supplier and third party data to make strategic decisions. Data that is not secure cannot be trusted.  

We chose blockchain technology because the records of all transactions are stored within one immutable platform and are accessible at any given point in time with version control, change history, and audit logs.  Data Security = Trust 

Trust. It’s not just in our name, it’s in our technology. 

Team Member Spotlight: Vikram Muroor

“It takes months to find a customer, seconds to lose one.” 

Vikram Muroor leads our highly skilled Support Team. This team assists and advocates for customers in their discovery, use, optimization, and troubleshooting of our platform. It’s not the stereotypical support role that Vikram plays, he also has a pivotal role in shaping the product design and enhancement as he is the face of Trust Your Supplier (TYS) to our end user communities. Vikram effectively understands the feedback from our customers and then communicates to our internal teams for fixes and improvements to our system. Vikram’s nickname at Trust Your Supplier is Mr. Dependable. It seems like we have clones of Vikram as he is available in all time zones.  

What’s Vikram’s favorite thing about working for TYS? “I enjoy collaborating with all our teams: Business Analysts, Product Team, Sales & Marketing, QAs, Development, and others. Everyone on the team is flexible, open to new ideas, and provides insightful feedback. There is never a dull moment and employees are viewed as the greatest asset of the company. We are encouraged to maximize our abilities and potential.” The family atmosphere at Trust Your Supplier is what drives Vikram to work every day. 

Vikram’s creativity in solving problems and ability to collaborate effectively makes him a valued member of the Trust Your Supplier team.  

Trusted Supplier Spotlight: Novitas

Trusted Supplier Spotlight: Novitas

Each month the Trust Your Supplier network highlights a trusted supplier that has a relationship with one or more of our buying organizations. This month, we would like to introduce you to Novitas.  

Novitas provides flexible, tailored, and cost-effective change assurance training solutions for all change projects and digital transformations, in any geography. With their training quality feedback always receiving a greater than 9 out of 10 rating, their customers appreciate Novitas’ understanding that “People experience change, not technology.” 

The pace of enterprise and digital transformation and change has quickened beyond what any of us could have predicted and shows no sign of slowing. How your people react and respond to these changes will determine project success. Partnering with Novitas and applying our services will deliver that success. 

Novitas will work closely with you to understand the nature of the change, the scale of the business impact, the capabilities and behaviors that will drive adoption success and develop a right-fit training strategy that will empower your workforce change literacy. 

We cater for one off change projects all the way up to global multi-site changes programs that incorporate several sub project deployments. We work across all geographies and languages. 


Want to learn more about Novitas or interested in their services? Reach out and connect: 



Email: [email protected]  


Want to learn more about Trust Your Supplier and our secure network of buyer organizations and trusted suppliers? Visit  

The Case for a Universally Consumable Supplier Identity

Trust Your Supplier sessions at FORGE: Digital Futures 2022

This year at Procurement Foundry’s FORGE: Digital Futures event, the theme was “Elevating Procurement to Digital Gamechanger”. We invited Dr. Elouise Epstein to share her thoughts on the future of Supplier Identity, followed by a lunch and learn on How Trust Your Supplier is Enabling the Future of Digital Identity.

Dr. Elouise Epstein gave a powerful and relatable story of the need for a digital wallet and why the work we are doing at Trust Your Supplier is so important. This session, along with our Lunch & learn session, is available for you to watch here.

At Trust Your Supplier, we are using our network and technology to bring a single source of truth to supplier information management. We work with organizations that have challenges with unreliable supplier data, a fragmented view of supplier metrics, and a lengthy cycle time. 

If this rings true for you, we’d like an opportunity to learn more about your challenges and share how we’ve helped similar clients. Let us know if you or your team are interested in setting up a quick meeting to discuss. We’d be happy to connect.   

FORGE: Digital Futures

FORGE: Digital Futures 2022

On May 5th, Trust Your Supplier will join the Procurement Foundry community at the FORGE: Digital Futures event. Keeping with the theme of Elevating Procurement to Digital Gamechanger, we’ve invited Dr. Elouise Epstein to share her thoughts on the future of Digital Identity, followed by a lunch and learn on How Trust Your Supplier is Enabling the Future of Digital Identity. 

Register for the event and be sure to bookmark these sessions (12:40pm & 1:10pm EST). We’d love to see you at the Trust Your Supplier booth! 



Trust Your Supplier Whitepaper Download

For Trust Your Supplier, blockchain isn’t just a buzzword. It’s the technology we are using to lead the way from today’s portal-based ecosystem to a true, universally consumable supplier digital identity. 

Download the free whitepaper to learn more about our technology and the many benefits to both procurement organizations and supplier companies. 


Blockchain in Healthcare

Another example of how blockchain solves business problems.  

Blockchain in healthcare has become extremely relevant when it comes to purchasing medical equipment. Fake PPEs were a constant obstacle in obtaining the necessary equipment for hospitals and clinics in 2020 and beyond.  Supplier qualification and supply chain diversification have now become a necessity, with Trust Your Supplier being a “key player in this space.” 

Join us for Sustain 2022, March 14-15

The time for planning and target-setting has long expired. We enter now an era of action, in which organizations have an opportunity to lead and drive change, working together to reshape business models 

As part of our commitment to enabling and connecting sustainable supply chains across the globe, we are thrilled to be a sponsor of EcoVadis’ annual Sustain conference. With #DestinationImpact as the theme, this year’s virtual Sustain will bring together leading voices and thinkers to explore ways to measure and prioritize impact to help build a resilient future.  

Register Now 

Hosting over 3,000 participants from 79 countries in 2021, Sustain is the must-attend event for anyone at the intersection of sustainability and procurement, sourcing, and supply chain. Here’s what you can expect: 

  • Latest trends in business sustainability around decarbonization, emerging regulations, workforce health, diversity in the supply chain and more 
  • Best Practices for sustainable & collaborative supply chain initiatives for positive impact 
  • Networking opportunities with peers and partners 
  • Updates from the EcoVadis leadership team 

Visit the Trust Your Supplier expo booth to learn how we can enable you on your sustainability journey and take part in our virtual Scavenger Hunt! Start finding clues as early as March 7th.. We’ll draw a winner to join us as our guest at Procurement Foundry’s Digital Futures event on May 5th. We look forward to seeing you at Sustain 2022!