The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.

TYS Implementation Case Study

Now available is a Trust Your Supplier case study on a telecoms company’s approach to managing change when implementing a new supplier onboarding process. Read how the organization worked with suppliers and internal teams to roll out the Trust Your Supplier platform and the outcomes they are finding as a result.

Read the Case Study


FAQ: What is the Importance of Standardization?

Frequently Asked Question: What is the importance of standardization?

Trust Your Supplier has endeavored to bring together buyer organizations across and within industries to determine the best practices and key questions needed to ensure supplier questionnaires address compliance and risk perspectives. Our questionnaires were built with key regulatory questions that address global, local and industry specific requirements. 

These standardized questionnaires and workflows reduce onboarding time by allowing suppliers to focus on any unique questions without having to readdress shared questions. This gives suppliers a better experience overall, while reducing time, effort and costs for both parties. Internally, organizations can move in an agile way to get the suppliers they need and meet their goals & deadlines. 

Watch this short video to learn more. 

The Case for a Universally Consumable Supplier Identity

Trust Your Supplier sessions at FORGE: Digital Futures 2022

This year at Procurement Foundry’s FORGE: Digital Futures event, the theme was “Elevating Procurement to Digital Gamechanger”. We invited Dr. Elouise Epstein to share her thoughts on the future of Supplier Identity, followed by a lunch and learn on How Trust Your Supplier is Enabling the Future of Digital Identity.

Dr. Elouise Epstein gave a powerful and relatable story of the need for a digital wallet and why the work we are doing at Trust Your Supplier is so important. This session, along with our Lunch & learn session, is available for you to watch here.

At Trust Your Supplier, we are using our network and technology to bring a single source of truth to supplier information management. We work with organizations that have challenges with unreliable supplier data, a fragmented view of supplier metrics, and a lengthy cycle time. 

If this rings true for you, we’d like an opportunity to learn more about your challenges and share how we’ve helped similar clients. Let us know if you or your team are interested in setting up a quick meeting to discuss. We’d be happy to connect.   

Good Advice From Canda Rozier

One of my favorite parts of each episode of the Procurement Block podcast, is the advice I get from guests. I ask each guest to offer up some advice or a tip that we as listeners can try at work or at home.

During my conversation with Canda Rozier on change management, Canda offered up these words of wisdom:  “Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is inevitable and you have to figure out how to take that failure and turn it into a foundation for future success.”

I really appreciate this encouragement from Canda as I continue to try new things both professionally and personally. What about you? Do you find yourself being afraid to fail or have you found a way to turn past failures into success?

Hear more from Canda Rozier and our discussion on change management here: 

How to Reduce Workload & Shorten Onboarding Time for Procurement teams and Their Suppliers

by April Harrison

Buyers and Suppliers have a common goal: to transact. Often standing in their way is an intensive administrative workload to provide and maintain critical business information.

The traditional process of validation & qualification is slow and cumbersome for both purchasing teams and suppliers.

Suppliers must submit their information to each buyer in different formats. Buyers must review supplier information and ratings to meet compliance regulations. These highly manual and repetitive steps result in long lead times to their first transaction.

Trust Your Supplier frees both buyers and suppliers from redundant administrative work with a seamless exchange of information, increased visibility, and embedded third-party risk management. In this short video, hear how TYS works for Glaxo-Smith-Kline managing their supplier relationships. 

Reduce supplier effort to share information with customers
With TYS, suppliers can update once, share with many.

Reduce procurement team effort to collect and validate supplier information Procurement teams automatically receive updated and accurate supplier information along with market, media, and other external commentaries to constantly monitor news regarding suppliers.

In this video,  Lenovo’s COO, Renee Ure, describes how TYS streamlines onboarding. This simplified process gives time back to your team, so they can focus on their core competencies and shortens the runway to the first transaction.

Learn more at