The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The TYS platform will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance from July 26, 8:30 pm GMT, to July 27, 12:30 pm GMT. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Rapid Supplier Connect

TYS has partnered with IBM to create a supply chain solution in response to the critical demand for medical supplies.Companies such as General Motors, Tesla, 3M, Gucci, and others are retooling to address the critical demand for medical supplies so critical during this worldwide pandemic. Many of these are not typical suppliers to hospitals and other health care providers. We have also seen our share of bad actors take advantage of the situation, delivering faulty equipment or other even more heinous acts. To address these concerns Trust Your Supplier has created a separate TYS portal for health care providers to aid in the vetting, discovery, and onboarding of non-traditional suppliers with critical supplies.

Chainyard‘s Trust Your Supplier is collaborating with IBM to offer this solution, called Rapid Supplier Connect.

Rapid Supplier Connect provides 3 key services:

  1. RAPID TYS Blockchain Network:  A separate private TYS instance for non-traditional suppliers to provide accelerated, credentialed onboarding for buyers.
  2. Proven Supply Chain Solution: IBM’s Sterling Inventory Visibility and Supply Chain Business Network enable buyers and suppliers to have product inventory visibility and assist in order and fulfillment for scarce supplies.
  3. Rapid Operation Support Center: War room for operational execution to support business and technical onboarding.

You can help.

Please forward the Rapid Supplier Connect website to any of your suppliers that may be able to offer critical supplies. Webinars step them through the solution and process.


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