The Case for a Universally Consumable Supplier Identity

Trust Your Supplier sessions at FORGE: Digital Futures 2022

This year at Procurement Foundry’s FORGE: Digital Futures event, the theme was “Elevating Procurement to Digital Gamechanger”. We invited Dr. Elouise Epstein to share her thoughts on the future of Supplier Identity, followed by a lunch and learn on How Trust Your Supplier is Enabling the Future of Digital Identity.

Dr. Elouise Epstein gave a powerful and relatable story of the need for a digital wallet and why the work we are doing at Trust Your Supplier is so important. This session, along with our Lunch & learn session, is available for you to watch here.

At Trust Your Supplier, we are using our network and technology to bring a single source of truth to supplier information management. We work with organizations that have challenges with unreliable supplier data, a fragmented view of supplier metrics, and a lengthy cycle time. 

If this rings true for you, we’d like an opportunity to learn more about your challenges and share how we’ve helped similar clients. Let us know if you or your team are interested in setting up a quick meeting to discuss. We’d be happy to connect.   


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