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Show Notes

In this episode, Edoardo Vignani and I discuss artificial intelligence. Learn about the ways AI is helping procurement today, the future of AI, and how the leapfrog effect means it’s never too late to get started with AI. 

Edoardo Vignani  

VP, Marketing Category, Globality 

Edoardo has led the optimization of third-party marketing spend for 15+ years. Prior to joining Globality, he drove provider identification, selection, and performance at Accenture. Edo has also built, run, and optimized global marketing procurement organizations, launched startups in the travel/social categories, and ran a company focused on legal technology implementations. 

Connect with Edoardo 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/evignani/  

Globality Website: https://www.globality.com/en-us  


Procurement Block Host

April Harrison is the Marketing Director for Trust Your Supplier, an innovative supplier information network built on blockchain technology. April’s background includes real estate and teaching. April received her degree in Psychology and History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Notice what’s not in her background? Procurement! or Artificial Intelligence!

Connect with April Harrison 

April on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/april-harrison-ab91881/  

Procurement Block website: www.ProcurementBlock.com  

Music by 
jorikbasov from Pixabay 

Procurement Block is produced by Trust Your Supplier